Passionate People Declare their Committment to being Passionate
27th April 2019
Prospective candidates from across the UK are currently vying for attention of potential voters in the run up to the forthcoming 2019 Parish, Town and District Elections on Thursday 2nd May. None are more eager to please than the candidates standing for seats in Henley-on-Thames. The Henley Residents Group has had a sprinkling of passionate candidates, but surging ahead in the passionate declarations of passion are the Henley Conservatives.
“I’ve always been passionate about various things,” stated one of the new non-male Conservative candidates. “I was encouraged to share my passion at a business seminar – I came out as a passionate person along with a few other people I’d never met before – we all seemed to get on like a house on fire.”
Accurate Minutes
“Recognising we had so much in common, Cllr Bill Porkton suggested we should all run for seats at Henley Town Council. Cllr Porkton assured us that Team Conservative would be the best choice for us passionate folks – he says that talking as much and as passionately as possible is the whole point of being a Conservative Councillor!” she continued, passionately.
“What is more – and this is what makes it REALLY special – he told us that when we’re elected, we can choose to go to some of the Council Meetings, they have a Town Clerk to take accurate minutes of our passionate speeches. I really like that idea.”
Remarkably High Levels
Several candidates tested out their commitment to being passionate by emphasising their remarkably high levels of passion in Conservative election materials and statements to the press.
“It’s a genuine thrill to be able to go public and announce that yes, we are BY FAR the most passionate people in Henley,” enthused another non-male candidate.
“Talking about being passionate is defintely a vote-winning strategy that will get us all those seats on the Town Council!”